domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

Halloween - Tales from the Cryptkeeper - Monsters Ate My Homework

Halloween Song - Ghostbusters

The funny and scary song from an old film. Have a look, you'll love it!

If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood
Who ya gonna call?
If it's somethin' weird an' it don't look good
Who ya gonna call?
I ain't afraid o' no ghost
I ain't afraid o' no ghost
If you're seein' things runnin' through your head
Who can you call?
An invisible man sleepin' in your bed
Oh who ya gonna call?
I ain't afraid o' no ghost
I ain't afraid o' no ghost

Who ya gonna call?

If you're all alone, pick up the phone
And call

I ain't afraid o' no ghost
I hear it likes the girls
I ain't afraid o' no ghost
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Who you gonna call?
Mmm, if you've had a dose
Of a freaky ghost baby
You better call
Let me tell you somethin'
Bustin' makes me feel good
I ain't afraid o' no ghost
I ain't afraid o' no ghost

Don't get caught alone, oh no

When he comes through your door
Unless you just a want some more
I think you better call
Oh, who you gonna call?
Who you gonna call?
Ah, think you better call
Who you gonna call?
I can't hear you
Who you gonna call?
Who you gonna call?
Who can you call?

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

Juguem amb les flashcards a casa i practiquem.

Juguem amb les flashcards a casa!

Els nens i nenes de primer i segon s’ha emportat a casa les minis flashcards i els story flashcards. Us donem unes idees per jugar amb elles en família o bé que els nostres fills/es juguin amb els seus amics:

-         GUESS WHAT? Endevina que: Li mostrem la flashcars al nen i li preguntem “What is this?” Si encerta “Well done” “very good” si s’equivoca “Try again” (torna a intentar-ho).

-         MISS FLASHCARD: Els mostrem totes les flashcards i amaguem una, el nen ha d’endevinar quina és.

-         IS IT A...? Els nens es posen un flashcard a la front (sense mirar quina) i han d’endevinar que és. “Is a pencil?” “Yes or no” I continuen preguntant fins que la encertin.

En el cas de les STORY CARDS és pot demanar als nens/nenes que els expliquin el conte que he vist a classe i que ens diguin quines paraules recorden en anglès.