viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014

Play and learn about Christmas

Juga i aprèn sobre el Nadal

Christmas is coming

Està arribant el Nadal

Read the story and create your own Cristmas tree

Llegeix el conte i crea el teu propi arbre de nadal.

Read the story and create your own snowman!

Llegeix el conte i fes el teu propi nino de neu.

Unit 4 - My town

Good morning classs!

Here you have some activities to practise the vocabulary about cities and towns. 

1 - Match the words and pictures

2 - Picture quiz 

3 - Another quiz

miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014


We watched this video in class, now you can remember it at home.

Vam veure aquest vídeo a classe, ara el podeu recordar a casa. 

Food Chains ,Food Webs,Energy Pyramid in Ecosystems

A video about food chains to remember the science term.

Un vídeo sobre la cadena alimentícia per recordar el trimestre de science.

The Skeletal System

A video about the skeletal system we watched in class. Can you recognise the vocabulary?

Un vídeo sobre l'esquelet que vam veure a classe. Podeu reconèixer el vocabulary?

Unit 3: Sports

Guessing game!

Unit 3: Sports

Let's start a new unit!